She's 11 months old already. It's just pure craziness. Sweet little Reesie, believe it or not, has a mind of her own. She's in that phase where she doesn't much care for being corrected. I'm not sure if it's a girl thing or just a clark kid thing, but the past few weeks she has turned into a drama queen.
She's super interested in the stairs. I don't want to put a gate up so i have been diligent in teaching her to NOT CLIMB THOSE STAIRS. When she starts to climb, I go over to her and very gently say no and give her the tiniest little flick on her hand. Then she puts her head up and starts wailing!!! Not cool. Not cool, I say. She most certainly does not care to be corrected. (What do ya know, after 10 months with a peaceful, perfect in my eyes, little girl, it turns out she's completely human after all. :)
She's totally standing these days... cruising around on whatever she can lift herself up on. She has only four words, Mama, Papa, More & Siah (She actually calls him YiYa. It really is the cutest thing ever watching her crawl around the house looking for her brother and shouting his name over and over again, "Yiya, Yiya, Yiya!!!!!!!"
She dances. Yes, really! When we are driving she sits in the back seat and bobs her head to the music. (Which as a side note, she really does NOT care for being in her carseat. She spends most of the time pulling on her straps hoping with all her being that she will be able to pull them of of her chest.)
She still has the best laugh ever. She's super independent. Today I was making dinner and I realized that I hadn't seen Reesie for a few minutes. All the older kids were playing outside. Tara went out there to see what Reesie was up to. She was playing ball with the rest of the kids. She seriously plays for a long time by herself. I must admit that I really love that about her.
She went on her first camping trip this month and did better than awesome. She slept throught the night both nights and started to fuss around 4am. So I went and laid with her next to her bed and she fell back asleep till 7:30 both mornings. She played everywhere and jumped right in with the rest of the kids at the creek and on the grassy field. She played on the playground, and crawled around in the dirt. She was awesome and I was so proud of her .
Some other things that I love about her... she's so cuddly, she lets me old her all the time and she buries her head in my chest. She claps her hands on command now. She waves hi and goodbye (it's the same wave for both :).
She's such a treasure.
Until next month when we celebrate her first birthday!!!!
She's super interested in the stairs. I don't want to put a gate up so i have been diligent in teaching her to NOT CLIMB THOSE STAIRS. When she starts to climb, I go over to her and very gently say no and give her the tiniest little flick on her hand. Then she puts her head up and starts wailing!!! Not cool. Not cool, I say. She most certainly does not care to be corrected. (What do ya know, after 10 months with a peaceful, perfect in my eyes, little girl, it turns out she's completely human after all. :)
She's totally standing these days... cruising around on whatever she can lift herself up on. She has only four words, Mama, Papa, More & Siah (She actually calls him YiYa. It really is the cutest thing ever watching her crawl around the house looking for her brother and shouting his name over and over again, "Yiya, Yiya, Yiya!!!!!!!"
She dances. Yes, really! When we are driving she sits in the back seat and bobs her head to the music. (Which as a side note, she really does NOT care for being in her carseat. She spends most of the time pulling on her straps hoping with all her being that she will be able to pull them of of her chest.)
She still has the best laugh ever. She's super independent. Today I was making dinner and I realized that I hadn't seen Reesie for a few minutes. All the older kids were playing outside. Tara went out there to see what Reesie was up to. She was playing ball with the rest of the kids. She seriously plays for a long time by herself. I must admit that I really love that about her.
She went on her first camping trip this month and did better than awesome. She slept throught the night both nights and started to fuss around 4am. So I went and laid with her next to her bed and she fell back asleep till 7:30 both mornings. She played everywhere and jumped right in with the rest of the kids at the creek and on the grassy field. She played on the playground, and crawled around in the dirt. She was awesome and I was so proud of her .
Some other things that I love about her... she's so cuddly, she lets me old her all the time and she buries her head in my chest. She claps her hands on command now. She waves hi and goodbye (it's the same wave for both :).
She's such a treasure.
Until next month when we celebrate her first birthday!!!!