Thursday, July 17, 2008


I can't believe that it has already been two weeks since Skyler Reese arrived!!!! Week 2 was even better than week 1, if that is even possible... She slept like a champ giving her mama four and five hour stretches.. then last night she blessed my socks off with 8 GLORIOUS HOURS!!! I couldn't believe it!!! She slept from 8:30-until 5:00 am!!! It was SOOOOO wonderful... need less to say I woke up feeling like a brand new woman!!! Don't worry... I know that she is still in her sleepy phase and that this sleepy girl will probably be keeping me awake all night long before I know it... So I am just trying to soak up the rest while I can... My friend Mindy blesses my socks off every few days and comes over in the afternoon to watch Skyler while the older kids and I take naps... blessing upon blessing!!!!!

In other news, Skyler seems to be getting a little bit bigger but I must admit that she still looks like a peanut to me... She's staying awake quite a bit more during the day which is so fun for me cuz I feel like her face just lights up when she opens her eyes... I can hardly wait for her to smile...

We also discovered this week that her little tummy doesn't tolerate the kind of formula that we have been giving her very well. So our doctor suggested a different brand and ever since we made the switch she has done so much better... (No more throwing up, less grunting, she can actually go #2 now (she didn't go for almost 3 days with the other stuff... It was not bueno!!!!)
But the doc said that she will not have to have the fancy formula forever, just until her tummy gets a little bit bigger and a little more developed... So praise God, cuz that stuff is expensive!!!!... but she's worth it!!!!

Skyler's belly button thing fell off a few days ago so we are thinking about giving her her first bath sometime soon... I will be sure to post pictures...

Finally, she's working on strengthening her neck... She doesn't like it much on her tummy as you can se in the video below... When we put her on her tummy "Peace" goes out the window :)

Thank you Lord for another joyful week with out peaceful little Skyler....

Blessing upon blessing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your new daughter is beautiful!! I am sooo happy for all of you! God just keeps on blessing and blessing.
Love ya,