Tuesday, August 19, 2008

She Smirks... But Only For A Moment

Skyler Reese 7 Weeks

Here we are at week 7... She's sleeping, She's eating, She's content... but rather serious, and She smirks... She doesn't really smile, it's more of a smirk... you know those kind of half wanna-be a smile, smiles??? Ya, it's like that. And I haven't been able to catch it on camera for the life of me. :) Joey can get her to do it better than I can... And I love to watch the two of them together...

Mmmmm... what else can I say about these past two weeks... nights are good... she's getting into a little bit of a loose routine... key word, "loose". ;) Nights are fairly predictable... eating at 7pm, 10, 3, and 7am (not bad... not bad I say :). And Days??? Well days are all over the map... Some days she's a sleepy head and other days she's wide awake and chipper. You know me and schedules... I LOVE schedules... so I'm working on it... one day at a time right :)... we'll get there... I'm pretty sure of it :)...

I don't know how much she weighs but I know she's getting big cuz she's grown out of most of her newborn clothes... but she's still swimming in her 0-3 months clothes... Isn't it funny how they make sizes these days???

Skyler's Many Faces

The Yawn

The Pirate Face

The Not Quite A Smile, Not Quite A Smirk Face

We call this one "The Usual" cuz this is what she usually looks like....
Serious... Which is just fine by me cuz she is seriously cute!!!!

Here's a video of Skyler doing what she does best... just hanging out...

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